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Our unique formula

Using our formula, we co-create solutions with partners who have a methodology or content which supports personal development. These are people who, like us, are dedicated to improving the workplace.

The science

We began our emotional intelligence journey over 30 years ago. We studied many of the existing methodologies to help foster wellbeing: things like CBT, Empathy, Coaching, Transactional Analysis, Talking Therapies and so on.

What we have done is create a synthesis of these different approaches with the focus on Emotional Intelligence. Our purpose: to help people communicate more effectively, have better conversations and build their relationships.

What’s special about emoquo is our approach. We have found a way to take these scientific theories and make them practical, easy to understand and useful. The tools we have developed can be tailored to the user’s personal development goals, based on their personality traits and learning styles.

The platform

The platform we offer our partners consists of coaching conversational tools, assessments, and profiling that enable us to create digital coaching solutions for any number of workplace situations

The first thing we do is assess the real world situation. What kind of personalities are involved? What is the challenge? How can we combine these givens with our science to make it really efficient in supporting the individual user’s needs?

The key to the whole thing is the diagnostic – understanding the end users' context, what they need to know. Once we’ve established that, then we can show them how to do it. This is where we provide the insights and the guidance to make the emoquo formula work.

It’s a story of two halves. The first half of the story is the diagnosis and the provision of the tools to get the job done. These are the apps containing the digital coaching to help people work together better.

The second half of the story is the data capture. These are the analytic dashboards senior management can use to gather insights into what’s happening across the organization.

The ecosystem

This is where you find our products. It’s a store full of Emotional Intelligence solutions where you can pick and mix the ones you need most for your situation.

It’s also the place where our partners can resell these products. That’s how it works. So it’s more than a shop. It’s where all the things relate to each other.

There are many companies who offer mindfulness meditations but that’s only one aspect of personal development. That’s not enough. It won’t change people’s behavior.

The ecosystem is all about creating sustainable and lasting changes in behavior so that people are happier at work and therefore, more productive. We appreciate that there isn’t just one product that can achieve this. So we’ve created a selection of products designed to help people be better at what they do.