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It’s all about making connections, having conversations and building relationships.

Emotional intelligence is the driver and it affects everything we do.

We understand how people work and what makes them tick. It’s about understanding that people have different learning styles. Everybody learns stuff differently. What we have done with emoquo is create a set of digital tools that enable people to learn essential EQ skills.

People will only change their behaviours when they realize the consequences are either something they really want or something they really don’t want.

Otherwise they will just carry on doing what they’ve always done. You have to help people understand what the consequences are and what that really means.

What we’ve done is blend emotional intelligence with personal and team development tools. The key point here: it’s sustainable change. If you want to change behaviour it’s got to be sustainable and that’s not easy. We know what makes people really want to change. We have found a way to humanise solutions.

Dr Marta Ponari – Cognitive Psychology and EQ expert

A fundamental part of what we do is to make it scalable.

We’ve made it digital because of two key stories: you can scale it straight away so it goes out to many more people. The second story is about gathering really useful data.

Everything we do is based on what’s really happening. We identify the reality of the situation. The key to this is the confidentiality. Because peoples’ views are kept anonymous, they can say what they really think and feel. This makes all the difference in achieving sustainable change.

Marco Mark – Lead technology engineer